Download Lathe installation hitachi wj200 software jawi

A site dedicated to enthusiasts of all skill levels and disciplines of lathe installation hitachi wj200 software jawi metalworking hobby. Hitachi VFD installation on a lathe. All discussion about lathes including but not limited to: South Bend, Hardinge, Logan, Monarch, Clausing and other HSM lathes, including imports. Hitachi VFD installation on a lathe. Hi all, I recently smoked the second motor on my lathe. This time I opted to install a VFD and a 3 phase motor instead of replacing the single phase motor. It makes for a really nice setup! The motor runs much smoother and variable speed is really nice. I have attached how I did it hoping that it might help any of you lathe installation hitachi wj200 software jawi a VFD conversion. My lathe is a Precision Matthews PM but I suspect many of the Chinese lathes are very similar. Holler if you have questions and I'll do my best to answer. Re: Hitachi VFD installation on a lathe. Nice right up Les, and thanks for taking the time to do it all and post it here. I am yet to get around to installing mine, but I have got a few good ideas for when I install mine, thanks again. I just started putting a Teco Vfd on my Enco mill, when I get that all finished I just might replace the motor on my Grizzly and go VFD on the lathe as well I'm sure I will have questions Very nice write up on the VFD install, Les. I used a WJ to get my Sheldon R15 powered up last year. Somewhat of a pain in the butt getting it configured, but all is good! I hope you find it useful. Rex, you are right. The Hitachi is a little hard to set up. The manual isn't terrible, and everything is there, you just have to really look to find what you need. Attached are the programming paramaters I used which should give a good start for anybody considering a Hitachi conversion. The VFD is great but, like Rex said, it is a little tough figuring out what you need to do to get it going. Ya, very cool Les, thanks.

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